This post is important to me because people are judged because of who they are and that is not cool. Not everyone realizes they are beautiful just being themselves. This post is only my opinion and this is how I feel. Society paints an image in people's mind of how they should look and the types of clothes they should wear, but if everyone did that the world would be quite boring. No one should ever feel they are not beautiful. Everyone is beautiful just the way they are, that is what makes the world so unique and different. Being different is actually a good. I know we all have insecurities; we are human and it happens, but do not let those insecurities get you down. You do not have to wear designer brands to be beautiful and you do not have to wear makeup to be beautiful. You are already beautiful just the way you are. I do not know how guys feel, but I know that some girls try to look like these supermodels and they are beautiful. But these models should not be a guide to w...
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