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Showing posts from 2013

Vaseline: total moisture

Image via Google   When the weather starts to get cold, my skin tends to get dry. I do not like the feeling of dry skin. It is not super dry (if that makes any sense), but it is really uncomfortable. So when I went to Walmart about a month ago I found the lotion of my dreams!    This is a clean feeling lotion for healthy soft skin. It  includes pure oat extract + stratys 3 ( multi-layer moisture) .  This   lotion leaves your skin feeling smooth and soft.   The Vaseline total moisture comes in 3 different kinds, based on your skin care needs. The aloe fresh is a light feeling lotion for healthy fresh skin. This comes in a green bottle. The other one is cocoa radiant which is a rich feeling lotion for healthy glowing skin. This comes in a brown bottle. I have the one pictured above; it's the one that I saw first. But I will definitely have to try the others.    The best part about this lotion is that it quickly absorbs without leaving the skin feeling greasy. This

Confessions of a beauty blogger tag

  I was looking at Abbie's blog over at  kittensintophats . You all should really check out her blog. So on her blog I saw the "Confessions of a beauty blogger tag". I love tags so I decided to do it.  When did you start your blog? In June of last year I first set up my blogger account, but I officially started October 19 of last year.   Have you had any other online presence before? (like other blogs or a Youtube channel) Yes. I have a YouTube channel (since last year), but I have not uploaded anything at the moment.    Why did you start your blog? I wanted to inspire other people to follow their dreams. In the process of starting this blog, I remembered my own dreams and I wanted to follow them.  I also started to blog because I wanted to connect with other bloggers and share my interests with other people. I wanted to make YouTube videos, but I realized blogging was best for me. I feel like it's a little easier, than "talking to a camera

Mean Girls

This post is one I've been thinking about doing for awhile now. I am not calling anyone out specifically, but if the shoe fits wear it. If you're someone who deals with mean girls in real life or over the internet, this post is for you. If you're a mean girl then you should stick around. Lately mean girls have been trending and I do not mean the movie. It seems like a lot of women/girls are deal with them. Whether you're a blogger, you make videos on YouTube, or in your everyday life we all have come in contact with mean girls. Right now I have not come in contact with internet mean girls but in real life I have dealt with them. I remember in the 3rd grade I would come home crying because they kicked me out of their club. Everyday I would play by myself. When I got older there were new mean girls who became cattier and at the same time I became stronger.  We all know the feeling of getting picked on and not being accepted sucks. Just remember that you are a good

CMA Awards fashion: My top 5 favs

I am not a Country fan except for the time I was little and liked the Dixie Chicks. I do listen to Taylor Swift sometimes, but anyway; I still love fashion and I had to follow what the stars were wearing. So with that being said, here are my top favorite outfits. There in no specific order. 1. Carrie Underwood: She looked gorgeous in her Ralph & Russo Couture dress. Her dress was a pretty gold color that included crystals. Midway down the dress all the way to the bottom, transitioned into see through dress. Not everyone can pull this off, but Carrie looked stunning.  2. Taylor Swift: She wore a red gown from famous fashion designer Elie Saab's fall collection. I like this not only because it's gorgeous, but because of the design on the front of the dress. I am not a big fan of a lot designs on dresses, but I have a few favorites that look amazing. 3. Robin Roberts ( News anchor for GMA) : She wore a black sleeveless jumpsuit that included sparkly embellis

What is Beauty?

My definition of Beauty : Beauty comes from within. It does not matter what you look like, everyone is beautiful. No one should be ashamed of how they look. We are all created to look different and unique; that is why we are special. The reason I am doing this post, is to show how beauty is never about what's on the inside; its always about the outside. People believe you have to look a certain way in order to fit society's criteria of what "beauty" really is. Sometimes people are afraid they will not be accepted by society. It is really sad that  society has always been this way but, apparently it will never change. In my opinion society's perception of beauty is based on appearance. You have to look a certain way to fit the image. Pictured below are 3 movie examples of how people are judged by their appearance and not their personality. I have actually watched these movies, I either have them in tape or DVD form. These movies are 3 of my favorites , but their a

The Would You Rather Tag!

Lately I've been reading a lot of tags and I think there really cool! So I was on Citra's blog Faith Hope Loving and I decided that I wanted to do this tag too. I think it's interesting, because I may learn something about myself that I did not know. Would you rather lose all of your mascaras, eyeliners, lipsticks, and lipglosses or lose all of your palettes and eyeshadows? I can do without my palettes and eyeshadows! I am a natural kind of girl anyway. Besides I love my eyeliners, I have almost every color and lipglosses are a must too. Would you rather chop off all your hair or never be able to cut it again? Both choices are really hard. I have had my hair cut short before and right now it's taking a while to get back to the way it was. I miss my long and I took it for granted, because I always had put it in a ponytail. But if I never cut it again that might be difficult too. So for now I sadly do not know. Would you rather have a coral cheek o

Anything Is Possible!

  Nothing is impossible. Be who you want to be; not who someone else wants you to be. If you want to be a Movie star, Doctor, Singer/Pop star, Chef , Professional sports star... be it. If you want to be a Teacher, Writer, Comedian, you can. Believe in yourself and others will start believing in you too.   Don't let anybody try and bring you down. Because they are miserable, they want everyone to feel the same way. People will always have something to say; so remember you cannot make everyone happy. So from today on worry about making you happy. Get rid of all the negativity and start to think positive. It is really sad that people get joy out of seeing other people hurt or feeling down. As I got older I realized that the hard way. It's better to have a few great friends, than a bunch of fake ones. Anyone can be nice to you one day and than the next day be rude to you. Stay positive and if you feel like you are coming in contact with negative people go the other way

Beauty things I suck at tag

I have been tagged by my friend Amber from Always Blabbing to do the Beauty things I suck at tag! You should really checkout her blog and follow if you have not already. I like this tag and there are a lot of things, but I do not want to bore you with all of them. I will only share the "good" ones. 1. Styling my hair: My hair is complicated. Whenever I am styling my hair to go out, my hair most of the time gives me problems. But when I am at home and I style my hair (without trying; if that makes any sense) it comes out almost perfect. When I straighten my hair it looks really nice. But as soon as I step in the hot weather, the humidity hits my hair and it gets frizzy. 2. Shaping my eyebrows: Making that perfect arch... Forget about it. I do not even have a routine; it's like this, triming them is the easy part. When trying to shape them I get really nervous. I mean who wants to go out the house with their brows two different shapes. 3. Winged eyeliner:

My Blogiversay!

  I cannot believe my blog is one (yesterday). Like I have said in the past, in a million years I would not have thought part of my life would be about blogging. I love all things beauty, but my blog is more than that. I write about life in general. I have made friends through blogging and I hope to continue to make more. I know I have not been blogging as much as I should this year, but I promise I will start. I have a long way to go with blogging, but if I can blog for a year I can definitely blog for more years. I want to thank everyone who takes the time to read and checkout my blog! All of you encourage me to become a better blogger, not just for you all but for myself. I will admit that I do not finish everything I start, but I will for blogging. Things I want to do with my blog: Blog more! Change my blog design! Try to blog for 1 month everyday! I want my blog to inspire at least one person; more than one would be awesome! I know these things are not much

Versatile Blogger Award

My friend Amber from Always Blabbing  nominated me for the Versatile Award and I appreciate this. This really means a lot. You all should really go and follow her blog. Her blog always has good quality posts. Now, The Versatile Blogger Award is an award given to you from your blogger peers, for writing quality  blogs  that have somehow touched them, having good quality photographs, and the uniqueness of the  subjects covered.  The Award is to honor the bloggers who bring something special to your life.  How It Works:  -Display the Award Certificate on your blog.  -Announce your win and thank the blogger who nominated you.  -Present 15 deserving bloggers with the award.  -Link your nominees in the post and let them know of their nomination with a comment.  -Post 7 interesting things about yourself.  Now for my 7 Interesting Facts... 1.  I major in Psychology, but my passion is to become a fashion designer. 2. I love to dance. I taught myself how

My 1 year Blogiversary Giveaway! (US Only)

I can't believe on October 19,2013 it will be my one year of blogging! I am so excited, but at the same time I would not have thought that I would be blogging. But I am here and happy; along the way I have made a lot of friends and I love you all. I also hope to continue making friends. Thank you all for reading and following my blog! Anyway, in celebration of my 1 year I am doing a small nail polish giveaway! This is my first one so I am doing a test run to see how well it goes. If it goes well I will definitely do more! Important Note: This giveaway is only open to those in the US. I do apologize to those who live outside the US, but unfortunately I do not have a lot of money to mail outside. But if I do another I will include everyone! This giveaway is not sponsored by any company, social media site or brand. These nail polishes are from my top favorite brand NYC! I love their polishes. These were purchased with my own money. The colors are Preppy Pink and Tudor City T

Olive Oil Moisturizing Shine Serum

My hair is going through a phase and it's not good. Specifically a dry one which is very terrible. I am sure you all know what happens to dry hair; it's more vulnerable to breakage. Some girls produce a lot of oils in their hair so they wash their hair everyday. Me, no I wash my hair every 4 to 5 days a week. But at the same time my hair does not produce oils regularly. Because of this I need to keep my hair moisturized. So trying to find moisturizing products are a little hard. Mainly because a lot of moisurizers are very stinky and greasy and that's really gross. This Olive Oil Moisturizing Shine Serum works really good with keeping your hair hydrated and well nourished! I am not the only one who uses this moisturizer in my house. This moisturizer: -Repairs dry, damaged hair. -Moisturizes, nourishes, hydrates, and shines. -Is Olive and Vitamin E enriched. -Is Alcohol Free -This works on any hair type. -Dry and frizzy hair that is chemically damaged will be

The Autumn Tag

Hey again! I was tagged by my friends over at and to do this Autumn tag. I wasn't always a fall person when I was younger, because school was starting, but I love it now! Favorite thing about it? I love fall because of the warm colors, baking desserts, clothes, and those cozy cool nights! Favorite drink? My favorite for the fall is Hot Chocolate! I think it goes perfect with fall and the cool weather. I do not drink this everday, I usually drink water. Favorite scent/candle? I love any candle that has a vanilla or cinnamon scent! Best lipstick? I do not wear lipstick. There are a lot of pretty colors out there, but I just would not look right. Go to moisturizer? Unfortunately I do not have one right now. But I am sure that the Aveeno line of moisturizers are really good. I have their lotions. Go to colors for the eyes? Any palette that consists of neu

This or That Tag?

  Hey friends! I was tagged by my pal over at to do the This or That Tag. I really enjoy reading these kind of post, so I am really glad to be doing my own. Makeup: 1. Blush or Bronzer- Bronzer 2. Lip Gloss or Lip Stick- Lip Gloss 3. Eyeliner or Mascara- Eyeliner is my absolute favorite. I have so many colors! 4. Foundation or Concealer- Neither, but if I had to choose concealer 5. Natural or Colored Eye Shadow- Natural 6. Pressed or Loose Eye Shadow- Pressed 7. Brush or Sponge- Brush Nails: 1. Opi or China Glaze- China Glaze 2. Long or Short- Short 3. Acrylic or Natural- Natural for the moment, but once in awhile I want Acrylic 4. Bright or Dark- Dark like purples. Sometimes I go for light, it all depends on my mood! 5. Flower or No Flower- No flowers Body: 1. Perfume or Body Splash- Perfume 2. Lotion or Body Butter- Lotion 3. Body Wash or Soap- Soap 4. Lush or other- I don't know! Fashion: 1. Jeans or Sweat Pants - Jeans 2. Long sleev

Via Natural Ultra Care Jojoba Oil

Imparts strengths to hair to combat breakage of the hair as well as shedding. Concentrated Natural Oils No mineral oil -Helps Strengthen weak hair by: Penetrating Nutrients and Vitamins into the hair and scalp Infusing inner strength to each hair strand. Distributing reparative proteins to weak parts of the hair. -Improves overall health of weak and breaking of the hair -Excellent for all textures and styles of hair including: Natural styles, braids, extensions, and chemically- treated or color-treated hair. I cannot wait to try this product. I am growing my hair and I've heard this product works really well. So I'll keep you updated and hopefully I will like it.

Finding Myself!

    Self discovery is an experience that everyone should go through. Along the way you may stumble across a lot of obstacles, but having a positive outlook on life is a beautiful thing. I mean I am only 21, almost 22 years old; but I'm starting to realize that I am stronger than I thought was. As soon as I graduated high school 3 years ago, I thought I knew exactly what I wanted. I had my life all figured out, so I thought. I knew what my life was going to be like during college and afterwards, oh I was so wrong. I had come to the realization that everything does not happen as planned. No matter how much you map out a plan, it will not necessarily go that way. If life was structured like that how would we learn anything, right? If you're anything like me, you like starting new things, but finishing them is obstacle. It's like I can start a million projects at once, but when things get tough I just want to quit. I want to change this about myself, that is why I started

Wednesday's Health/Beauty Tips: Too Much Heat Is No Good

As all of us girls already know heat is extremely damaging to our hair. It's ok if we use a small amount of heat, but too much is not healthy for your hair. One of the things that can happen to your hair because of it is split ends. Split ends is the splitting and fraying of the hair shaft due to the excessive use of heat and mechanical stress. Breakage is another cause of heat damage. Breaking of the hair is a result of constant heat exposure. Heat is not the only reason for damaged hair. For example, coloring( bleaching and dying) your hair is really damaging. Actually any chemicals put into the hair is not healthy. Solutions and ways to repair damaged hair: If you want to straighten your hair or blow dry your hair that is fine, just do not put heat on your hair everyday. I put heat in my hair only once a week and I see a big difference. As for coloring, try using ammonia free dyes. Repairing damaged hair is easy, but it takes time and patience. There are a lot of ha

Liebster Award!

I have not did a Liebster post in awhile, mainly because I do not want to be repetitive in what I say. I am so grateful to Christina from   for nominating me, I really do appreciate it. Thank you so much! Everyone go and check out her blog! The Liebster award is passed on through bloggers with under 200 GFC followers and helps to promote their blogs. So here are the rules: 1. Those who are nominated must link back the person who nominated them. 2. Once nominated you must write 11 random facts about yourself.  3. You must also answer the 11 questions from the person that has nominated you.  4. Come up with 11 questions to ask the 11 people you have nominated for the award.  11 Random Facts About Me 1. My middle name is Olivia. 2. I love pizza. 3. I like to sketch clothes. 4. I love to draw flowers. 5. I like hanging out with my family. 6. I like to cook. 7. I like to watch YouTube videos. 8. I read ma