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Showing posts from February, 2017

Blog Post Ideas

Everyone knows that as a blogger sometimes it's hard trying to find something interesting to talk about. Then there's other times where you have writers block. This happens to me a lot. But as time went on I realized that there are so many things to talk about. So I decided to write a list of blog post ideas, just in case you get stuck in a rut! To be honest this is to also help me, the next time I struggle finding an idea to write about.   Beauty  Makeup Tutorials (Step by step) MOTD Makeup Hauls Product Reviews  Favorite Hair Care Products  Current Hair Routine  Everyday Hair Tools Tips For Healthy Hair Favorite SkinCare Products Current SkinCare Routine  DIY's (Exfoliants/Scrubs)  Products You Can't Live Without   Lifestyle  Daily Routine  Recipes  Tips On How To Stay Organized  Ways To Stay Positive  Tips On Staying Motived  Tips On Staying Stress Free  House ...

How To Stay Inspired While Blogging

Blogging is hard work to be honest. Whether it's just a hobby, part time job or full time job, it's difficult. Trying to think of new and interesting topics to talk about and taking the "perfect" photo is a lot. So there have been times where I just lost all confidence and motivation in anything I did, related to blogging. I didn't want to think about it or be apart of it. I was lacking inspiration. After awhile I came to the conclusion that my rut was going to continue, if I didn't do something about it. I gained my motivation from little things that mean so much. Have you ever heard of the saying "sometimes the little things mean more than the bigger things". Whether it was a comment on my blog or someone asking if I was ok. That meant a lot to me, because it showed that I was noticed. Not in a conceited though, I hope you understand. So during the times where I stopped blogging, I always found myself going to the same places for inspiration. I...

Matrix Oil Wonders

  My hair is very complicated and most times trying to tame it gets very stressful. I could spend so much time on my hair and it would still look a mess. One thing I struggle most with, when it comes to my hair is the frizz. I usually experience it on the front of my hair and on the crown. This has always been a problem and I'm usually cool with trying out different products to fix this. As you know in previous posts, I've been talking about Notino . Their site offers a variety of beauty products and it's very affordable. That's where I got a hold on the "Matrix Oil Wonders Nourishing Oil Shine For Wavy And Curly Hair".    The Matrix Oil Wonders is an oil that nourishes curly and wavy hair, while adding shine to it. It's suppose to tame curly and frizzy hair. Although it's suitable for all types of hair, curly and wavy girls will benefit more from it. This is a no rinse treatment, which means it stays in your hair. The matrix oil can also be u...