I love when bloggers share interesting facts about themselves. It feels like you're getting to know them "in person". One way of getting to know about your favorite bloggers are participating in tags. I have not participated in one for some time, so I'm really excited about this one. I would like to thank the lovely Alexandra from Alexandra Quinlann for tagging me in the "This Time Next Year Tag"! She's an awesome blogger, so be sure to check her blog out! This tag came at the right time for me, because I've recently been thinking about the long term goals I want to set for myself Here are the rule for this tag: 1. Thank the person who tagged you 2. Set yourself goals for the next year 3. Write about how you'll achieve these goals 4. Tag at least 5 of your blogger friends to do this post 5. In 365 days, write a post reflecting on your goals & what you achieved My Goals: Follow a healthy lifestyle. I be...
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