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Showing posts from 2017

CLICK and GROW Smart Garden 3 Giveaway! $100 RV (Ends 1/18) @clickandgrow

Are you into gardening, if so you might want to keep reading. This giveaway is great, if you want to start growing your own indoor herd and veggie garden. So don't forget to enter and good luck! Deliciously Savvy is Hosting a Giveaway in Which 1 Lucky Winner Will Receive a Click & Grow Smart Garden 3 (available in 3 color choices & includes 3 Basil Plant Capsules). This is an Amazing Unit To Grow Your Own Indoor Herb & Veggie Garden. Enter Today & Good Luck! Sponsored By: Hosted By: Co-Hosted By: Welcome To My Kitchen // Homeschool Insights // Missy's Views and Savings Clues // Pink Fortitude // Sweet Southern Savings // Pieces Of Ashley // My Silly Little Gang // Michigan Saving & More // Amy & Aron's Real Life Savings // Best MMORPG 2018 PLUS a Big Thank You To All Blogs Helping To Promote This Giveaway! You All Rock! ~~~~~~~~~~~ The Details 1 Lucky Winner Will Receive a Click & Grow Smart Garden...

Nuxe Reve de Miel Face And Body Ultra Rich Cleansing Gel For Dry Skin

  When watching YouTube videos or reading beauty/ lifestyle blogs I notice a pattern; it seems as if everyone has a skincare routine and I'm the only one that does not. Please tell me I'm not alone, am I? No, but seriously when it comes to a routine I’m not the most organized. Well at least when it’s about skincare, Although I do have a hair routine that changes every few months. Honestly I just enjoy searching for skin products and looking at what works best for me. Being consistent with a skin routine isn’t on my to do list right now, I don’t have the patience!   The Nuxe cleansing gel is great  for those who experience dry and sensitive skin and it’s perfect for all skin types. This gel includes  honey and sunflower extracts, that soothes irritated skin and softens it. Also  cleanses both the face and the body and  does not make your skin look or feel dry.  Nuxe cleansing gel is of natural origin and is soap free and claims to be derm...

L’Oreal Professionnel Mythic Oil For Unruly Hair

  My hair can be pretty difficult at times and our relationship is currently on the rocks. It’s always fun trying new products and trying to see what works and doesn’t work for my hair. At the same time though it can be quite the experience, because it feels like every product is working against you. But when you find something that works, it’s a surprise. That’s when I found L’OrĂ©al Professionnel Mythical Oil on the  Notino  website.        L’Oreal Professionnel Mythic Oil nourishes your hair in depth, brightens it, smooths and makes it shiny. The ingredients avocado oil and grape seed oil provides in depth, adds radiant shine and prevents the ends of your hair from splitting. The avocado oil in this product nourishes and refines the hair while grape seed oil protects the hair against damage. The texture of this oil does not weigh your down and the product absorbs easily into the hair, not leaving a greasy feeling. This product is idea...

Lovely by Sarah Jessica Parker

  I’m pretty much obsessed with perfumes and fragrances, those are two different things right? I sure hope so because I don’t want to embarrass myself right now. I remember being a kid and wanting to try on different scents in the mall while mom shopped! Basically perfume is girls best friend, I mean who doesn’t love it. Anyway, when a celebrity comes out with a product I’m in no rush to try it. It takes a lot for me to try something from a famous person, but when it’s Sarah Jessica Parker I’m pretty convinced it’s worth the try.    Sarah Jessica Parker’s Lovely perfume is suppose to be a romantic feminine perfume for all modern, sensual women. Lovely symbolizes beauty love and tenderness. In this perfume are pure essences of apple, fragile lavender,  sweet mandarin, rosewood, cedarwood, seductive orchid and aromatic patchouli. The tender woody and floral combination creates a refreshing smell calmness. The smooth base of lovely is dominated by amber an...

Click & Growth Smart Garden 3 Giveaway Sign Up

Blogger Opp ~ Click & Grow Smart Garden 3 Giveaway ($100RV) #Free & #Paid Options Available Deliciously Savvy is Hosting a Giveaway in Which 1 Lucky Winner Will Receive a Click & Grow Smart Garden 3 (available in 3 color choices & includes 3 Basil Plant Capsules). This is an Amazing Unit To Grow Your Own Indoor Garden. There are #Free & #Paid Options Available So Sign Up Today! Sponsored By: Hosted By: Co-Hosted By: ??? ~~~~~~~~~~~ The Details 1 Lucky Winner Will Receive a Click & Grow Smart Garden 3 in their choice of color. Includes 3 Basil plant capsules. [gallery type="rectangular" ids="58326,58324,58325"] 1 FREE Link For Agreeing To Post Giveaway On Time and Promote 3 to 4 times a week Via Social Media. (Choose from Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest Only) PLUS Snag a 2nd FREE Link…. If You Post The Announcement on Your Website or Share via Social Media. (Choose from Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or In...

My Blog Is 5!

  Five years ago on this exact date my life changed. Part of my life I guess you can say. You what scratch that, blogging has become a huge part of me. It has definitely made a huge impact on me. The only thing that’s the same is my personality and I still look the same! In this post I’m going to be more open with you guys. I’m going to tell you I how felt about my blog up until last year. I’m honest in everything I write, so why should this be any different. In another post that I wrote, I mentioned I started blogging in June of 2012. Unfortunately that didn’t work out and I deleted the blog no sooner than I published my first post.  I’m actually glad it didn’t work out, because I wasn’t ready. So it’s safe to say I started exactly when I was suppose to. Before that I had no confidence at all and my self esteem was really low. Now in this present time it’s gotten a lot better but I’m still a work in progress. But anyway I’m moving ahead of myself. I had no idea what ...

Avène Cleanance Micellar Water

I’m not an expert on skin care products and honestly I don’t even have a routine. You’re probably thinking, “Is she even normal?”. Anyway I like trying a range of products it keeps my options open. But seriously I need a skincare routine that fits my needs. For awhile I’ve been hearing people talk about Micellar Water and I knew I had to try it out myself. So I found it on  Notino , which is an online store I like to shop from. They have so many variety of products from perfumes to makeup! Cleanance Micellar water gently removes impurities, including makeup, from the face and eyes without the need of rinsing, and helps to reduce excess sebum thanks to Monolaurin. Avène Thermal Spring Water provides soothing and anti-irritating benefits. It leaves the skin clean, clear and refreshed. This product is used to minimize the risk of allergic reactions and proven tolerance on oily and acne-prone skin.  Overall I really like the Micellar cleansing water. It’s great fo...

Macadamia Natural Oil: Heating Oil Treatment

I love trying out new products for my hair, it's actually a fun process for me. Surprisingly, I’m still trying to figure out what works and does not work for my hair. The struggle is real when trying to find the “right” shampoos and conditioners or oils and creams. My hair is frizzy and I have a hard time taming it. It’s annoying and sometimes I just don’t want to be bothered with it. Does any one else feel like this? It’s very important that I keep my hair moisturized and nourished. Making sure I give my hair what it needs is very important to me.  In a post I wrote a while ago I talked about using the Macadamia Hair Masque and if you want, check that post out here:  Macadamia Deep Repair Masque ! Anyway I really liked using repair masque and it has really helped my hair become more healthy. So recently, I found the Macadamia Hair Oil Treatment on  Notino . It's a great online store that has a range of products for men and women. This Oil Tr...

Avene Skin Care Soothing And Hydrating Mask

If you're anything like me finding the right skincare products can be challenging. For one when you pick certain creams and oils to apply to the skin, you are risking irritation or other side effects. One thing I like is face masks, it's perfect for a at home spy day and just for relaxation in general! Notino is a great and affordable site that I got the Avene soothing mask, I'm going to talk about. The Avene soothing and hydrating mask renews the skin barrier and optimized skin hydration. The Safflower oil, in this mask immediately makes your skin feel comfortable and gives it  a smooth and youthful appearance. This hydrating mask also contains thermal water, which among other ingredients soothes irritated skin and prevents the sensations of tightness. Not only does this hydrate the top layers of your skin, the mask also brightens and softens it up. If you experience redness, irritation and sensitive skin, this would be good to use.   I li...

I Stand For Equality

  I'm all for equality, it's something I strongly believe in. When you're younger, things aren't quite as complicated. Before  I continue, this is my opinion and how I feel. Everything is pretty simple and everyone looks at one another as the same. It's when you become an adult that things aren't quite as clear. Like many other kids when I was growing up, I didn't really see how sexist, racist, homophobic and judgmental this world really is.   No one should have to be afraid to show some skin, because it might give someone the "wrong" idea. Just because someone wears revealing clothing does not give people the right to take advantage of them. That doesn't give people the right to make them feel uncomfortable like they've done something wrong, no means no. Why is it that women have to be labeled as weak? Why can't a women do a "mans job" better than him? Wake up people it's the 21st century, a place where women have...

Coco Shea Cucumber Body Scrub

One thing I love trying out almost as much as hair products is body scrubs. They make my skin feel smooth, soft, hydrated and refreshed. The Coco Shea Cucumber Body Scrub is no different. I got this body scrub from Notino , which is a site that has a wide range of beauty products. From makeup to hair to skincare and this list goes on.   Cocoa butter and Shea butter moisturizers and replenishes your skin. Cocoa Shea blends two of nature's most nourishing ingredients, the vitamin packed cocoa butter and the rich moisturizing Shea butter creates the ultimate collection of skin loving formulas.  Also included is the Cucumber water which is great for revitalizing the skin to look hydrated and smooth. With smoothing pumice and a cleansing gel formula, the foaming scrub leaves the skin feeling revitalized and touchable. My skin feels so much better while using the coco shea cucumber body scrub and it's definitely worth the try. This foaming scrub is very...

Does Real Friendships Still Exists?

Remember when you were younger and you had like one hundred friends and by the time you reached adulthood you were lucky to have at least three real ones. Friends are a tricky situation and when you're little you have no idea what adulthood is really like. Honestly friends are hard to find, well at least in my opinion. I feel like you have to climb the biggest mountain in order to find a friend that's honest, loyal and respects you. If you have a friend with these qualities, consider yourself lucky.    Does friendships even have the same meaning anymore? I mean whatever happened to going to the movies or having slumber parties and painting each other's nails. I understand people take different paths in life, obviously it's apart of growing up. But when you don't keep in touch and everyone is busy, you wonder is the friendship even there. I remember being a senior in high school and I would hear people say, 95% of the people you're in school with you'...

30 Things To Do Before 30

  In less than five years I will be turning 30 years old. Where has the time gone, I remember my 21st birthday and I cried. You would've thought I was having a midlife crisis. I guess the thought of being an adult scared the hell out of me. I wasn't ready and to be honest I'm still not ready. But I'm blessed to be here and I can't complain! I have managed to accomplish quite a few things in my life, that I didn't even see coming. But I have so much potential to be great I'm just getting started. I gave myself this amount of time because I don't want to rush life. I just want to take my time enjoying life and getting to know me better.  So I decided to share all of the things I want to do before 30. Some of the things I want to are really out of my comfort zone and some are the simplest things you can imagine.  Write a book/e-book Create a family recipe book  Collaborate with my favorite brand Help raise money for a charity  G...

Easy Breakfast Ideas

Who says being healthy could taste pretty good. Well to be honest I didn't think it could, until a couple of months ago. So I decided to share some ideas I like to eat. By the way these are very easy to make in no time. Whether you're in a rush or you just don't feel like a time consuming meal. Some of these recipes you can even make the night before, so when you get up in the morning all you have to do is put everything together!  Peanut Butter & Banana On Wheat Toast: This is an easy breakfast and it very fulfilling at the same time. It's also full of protein and some carbs.  Boiled Egg with Wheat Toast: If you're looking for a quick bite to eat for breakfast here's the perfect idea! Boiled eggs in my opinion feels you up, until you eat a snack in between the day.  Scrambled Eggs With Toast And Turkey Bacon or Sausage On The Side: This suggestion is easy, but may take a little time. If you're going to be busy that day, maybe get up...

6 Things I Love About Blogging

  I don't know what my life would have been like if I wasn't a blogger. For some reason I don't ever want to know. I can't believe I'm saying these words, very sentimental and funny at the same time. I didn't even know what blogging was until I started on social media.    Sometimes I wish that I had started blogging sooner than I did. What if I hadn't deleted my blog in June 2012? What if I gave up completely and never started again in October of that same year? So many questions but yet I don't really have a clear answer.  Over the years I've learned so much about myself and about other people. I can go on a long rant about how much blogging has changed me. But I'm pretty sure that would be boring and awkward. So I decide to share the 6 things I love about blogging.  The Blogging Community  I haven't experienced any negativity from the blogging community, so I would have to say it's amazing. Everyone is so supportive a...

Places To Buy Props

  When I first started blogging I either used images from google or I just didn't have any. As time past I realized it would be better if I took my own pictures. So three years ago, I bought a camera but there was still work to do. My pictures were ok since I was just starting, but there was still room for improvement.   So let's fast forward to the beginning of last year. I was in a slump about my blog and nothing could make me happy about it. My pictures weren't good enough and I just wanted to give up. I decided to get out of my comfort zone and start taking better care of my blog. During my break from blogging, I researched ways I could make my photos better and I came across a lot of helpful tips on props and backgrounds for my pictures.    Before I did my research I would look at other blogs and wonder how did they create such gorgeous pictures. I always thought that everything was so expensive and personally I wasn't going to pay for all of that. ...

Things You Can Do To Relax

  Life can be stressful at times and it may seem as if you can never catch a break. Whether you're working, going to school, taking care of kids, making sure everything is in one piece at home or whatever the case may be you need some time to relax. Honestly even if it's just 15 minutes, that small amount of time   really does help. So I decided to share with you the things you can do to relax.   Indulge In Something You Don't Usually Have Or Do.   Sometimes it's ok to indulge, besides you deserve it. It can be going shopping or having your favorite snack. It can be as simple as catching up on your favorite YouTube channel!   Take A Nice Hot Bubble Bath. I'm sure this one is everyone's favorite thing to do. Not only is taking a hot bath relaxing but adding in your favorite bubbles or bath bombs, definitely puts the cherry on top of the cake. This can really clear your mind and get you back focused and motivated.   Read Your Favorite Mag...

8 TV Shows You Should Watch!

I'm very picky when it comes to finding a good TV show. So when I find one it has to have the qualities of a great show. For example, a consistent story line(s) a great cast an interesting plot and cliffhangers! Surprisingly these shows have become my favorites and others I don't watch as often but I binge on reruns. If you're looking for new shows to watch, new or old here are 10 TV shows you should watch.  Law & Order: SVU Mariska Hargitay is a great actress and her portrayal as Olivia Benson is brilliant. She makes you feel like you're in an episode of law and order. If you're not into police shows then this might not be for you, but the drama and reality of the story lines are very deep. In every episode the beginning grabs your attention and the plot stays consistent and it doesn't drift into a another direction. Olivia Benson's is caring but at the same time she plays no games. I like and admire this character as well as actress Marisk...