Feeling the blues on hump day? You're not the only one. I try to stay positive, but sometimes it feels like the walls are closing in. It's like you have so many things to do, but not enough time. It's so easy to loose confidence in yourself when things do not go as plan. Believe me I know, all I can say is keep trying. You're probably saying, "That's easier said, then done". I get it; I feel the exact same way, but having a negative vibe is not a good thing either. Having negative feelings can really crumble the whole day. For example, when I was in high school I would get up in a sad mood. That was the worst feeling ever. Everyday it was the same, instead of trying to find the good I was always thinking negative. Every morning I felt like I was closed in. The school work wasn't my problem, it was the people in it. I felt like no one liked me and my self-esteem was not great. I did have a few friends I talked to, but that wasn't enough. I felt like no one understood me and they didn't understand what I was feeling. Even though high school wasn't the best for me, I really miss it. I guess it was my security blanket for the real world.
I learned a lot from high school like: Math, History, Science, English, Reading, and Writing. All of those things are valuable, but it didn't really prepare me for the "Real World". A lot of people feel the same way, from what I've heard. Don't get me wrong, our parents help(ed) us deal with the real world, but what about when we were or are in school. Even though I've been out of high school for only 5 years, that's a really longtime. So hopefully things are changing, but I would have liked for school to have taught me other things. For example, how to create a resume or how to prepare for a job interview; stuff like that. Even though, I'm out of high school my feelings are still the same. When I fail at something, I get so down on myself. But I guess everyone's their own worst critic. I remember during the
#zchat on twitter a few days ago we were talking about expectations. That chat came at the right time for me. From the entire chat I learned, that I should be expecting more of myself, than other people. I should worry about the expectations I have for myself and what I want to accomplish. I know I'm rambling, but these are just my feelings.
So if you're ever feeling the blues, do things that will make you happy. Don't put too much pressure on yourself. The fact, that you're trying to become better is a great start. I already feel a little better. My advice would be to take baby steps. It's great to have big goals and dreams, because I have them as well. But sometimes, those small goals and dreams can lead up to the big ones!
I hope you enjoyed reading and if you're feeling down surround yourself with positive vibes!
I like this type of post :) It's good to always refresh ours minds and refocus on the positive :)