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BH Cosmetics Eyebrow Tweezer

Going to get your brows waxed costs money, so with that being said I rather do my own. Although I am not a professional I think I can manage. I do not wax my eyebrows. To be honest I have never waxed or tried to wax my brows. If you're like me in the department of not waxing, you find other ways to style (fix) your brows. For me I have only tried two products; one will be in this post and the other is linked here: Brow kit!
I have learned to love my brows just the way they are. But they do deserve to pampered at the same
time. If I have a few eyebrow hairs that do not belong, I want something quick and easy to fix this. That is why I have my bh cosmetics eyebrow tweezer. I have written a few posts on bh cosmetics products, but I am not affiliated with them in any way. I just simply love their products because its still high quality products, but at a cheaper price. This is great because not everyone wants to spend a lot or are maybe on a budget! The bh cosmetics eyebrow tweezer costs about $3.95 which isn't bad. Trust me I've seen tweezers that costs about $8.

These tweezers are great and they work really well. A light is attached to the tweezers, which is great because you can see what you're doing! Another good thing about this is that, the spiral grain holder helps you keep a good grip on the tweezers. I do recommend trying these tweezers, you won't regret it!
I hope you enjoyed reading. How do you keep your brows in check?


  1. This is amazing!

    Check out my new post Here!!!

  2. Where have these tweezers been all my life. Finding good lighting is always the worst when I need to pluck my eyebrows. My friends and I would pluck each others eyebrows and have to use the flashlight on each others phones to get good lighting this would have been awesome! You also have a lovely blog :)

    1. Thank you! Tell me about it, I would use the phone too!

  3. This is something really useful. I can never make my eyebrows right :/

  4. this tool is gonna be very helpful! thanks for sharing!


    1. I definitely recommend this. It really works :)

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    1. Thank you! I left a comment on your blog, and I followed :)

  7. Invite to take part in giveaway :)
    Win clothes!

  8. I've heard so much about tweezers! I'd love to get one :D
    Thanks for your nice comment! Yes, I think tangle teezers work on curly hair! :D

  9. They look very interesting especially with those lighting thing :D

    Have a nice day :)
    Aimie from The Channel Of Creation

  10. These look amazing im always on the look out for a good pair of tweezers!


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