I feel like the second half of the year is going by so fast. I can't believe we're in week two of November, soon before you know Thanksgiving will be here. This year has been a wake up call for me and I'm getting myself together. In the past I've talked about goals that I want to accomplish for the month, but I really don't follow through with most. I actually feel like a hill, just thinking about it. But this time things have changed and the goals I have will be accomplished. Life is too short and I'm almost twenty five years old, I'm starting to find out what I want in life. I guess you can say I had an epiphany, which always happens at night which is the time I think about life a lot.
I feel like at night it's the most quiet, so my mind isn't going one hundred miles per hour. I don't know whether that's a good thing or a bad thing. So instead of falling off the wagon, I decided to make weekly goals for the month instead. I hoping that makes sense am I even making sense? Anyway weekly goals have helped me so far and it's much easier. I am not putting pressure on myself like I did in the past. That's why I have not talked about having goals in a while, I'm tired of disappointing myself. So from now on I will be more focus and just have fun. Now whatever fun you're thinking is probably not what I mean! Most of these goals I have set are for myself as a blogger. The other is for me personally.
Be Consistent With Blogging
I have said this numerous times, but this one is serious. This goal is not just for my readers to stay interested, but it's for me as well. I didn't realize I much I loved blogging until I stopped. It actually did more harm to my blog and social media. Most importantly I missed joining in the twitter chats and connecting with other blogging in general. I was in a rut and I mean a long one, even while blogging. Now when I blog I put my all into, but I'm starting to realize consistency if you want to see anything you work on grow! One thing I have been consistent about talking my blog pictures in bulk, that really helps me a lot. For one it saves time for me to work on my writing. As far as planning, I take pictures in the daytime because of sunlight/ natural lighting. During the nighttime I write because I feel I'm more relaxed and calm.
Have Fun Blogging
In previous posts I talked about not being the most organized blogger and not having a plan nor schedule. I'm a work in progress, but I realized that I don't want to be stiff on my blog. I want whoever reads my blog to feel relaxed and chilled, as if they were talking to me in person. I want to talk about things other than just beauty products. I feel like I don't want to label myself or my blog anymore. I felt like I limited the potential of my blog, because I was trying to do what everyone else was doing. I'm still going to blog about beauty but I'm going to talk about stuff I enjoy besides that. Like: Movies, Music, Sports, More Throwback Thursdays, DIY's, and Recipes! I feel like if I don't pressure myself I can do this!
Eating Healthy
This is my top goal although it's my last goal. I didn't realized all of the unhealthy things I was putting in my body. All of the processed food that included chemicals. For me I figured if I can't pronounce an ingredient or I don't know what it means, the food is probably unhealthy. I also learned that eating after a certain time can harm your body, because it's not digesting properly before bed. Now obviously I knew that but sometimes your busy and the time you eat gets brushed off. When you eat healthy or change some of your eating habits you feel a difference.
I know my goals are not a lot and they may be small to others but it's ok for me. No goal is more important than another and whether it's big or small they both matter! I hope you enjoyed reading and if you have any goals for November feel free to share them with me!
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