The past few days have been an eye opener as well as a wake up call for me. When I was a kid I didn't realize all of the negativity that was in this world. But now as an adult I realized I was naïve to believe there was only good in this world. But I was oblivious to the negative behavior of others, until I experienced it first hand. It's crazy how after all these years people are still judgmental. I realized that life is almost like a superhero movie. There's always the hero and than there's a villain. I know the world can't always be rainbows and unicorns, but people deserve happiness. They deserve to feel like they matter instead of constantly feeling ignored.
Ignorance is the toxic we are dealing with. How can someone tell another person how to deal with an issue. Have you gone through it, if not who are you to say what they should and should not feel. It's too much hate in this world and I'm trying to figure out a way to stop it. But no matter what I do it will not be enough. This world is not equal and it's not right. I don't understand it and I'm bothered. It is so disturbing to me how people show no compassion for others. The Internet can be good, but it can also be cruel and evil. Telling someone to get over how they feel because, you don't want to see the complaining is unbelievable. Calling people crybabies is unbelievable. If I don't make sense I'm sorry, but these are the things I think about at night.
Life is something that should be filled with kindness, love, and equality. Only time will tell what will happen later on in the future, even days or months from now. You can't even imagine what someone else is going through unless you walked a mile in their shoes. You can't ignore, actually cross that out. You shouldn't cover up an issue or situation because you don't want to hear it. By acknowledging the problems in this world and trying to help find a solution, maybe people will start to feel like they matter.
I don't expect people to understand what I'm saying. I don't expect people to agree with me, because we're all not the same. As I got older I realized no one is the same as one another. I have learned that people are judged because of who they love and because of how they dress and the color of their skin. No one can tell me that I'm lying about this. It's obvious there is no denying it, this is everywhere. Just because life changes and evolves doesn't mean I have to accept it. That's like telling me, that I shouldn't be sad that the leaves are falling. I can't expect people to change, all I can do is change myself. That probably doesn't make sense but these are my thoughts.
If only I could tell the people who are feeling sad and ignored, that they do matter. If only I could tell them how important they are. If only I could tell them that love is love, go for it. Don't be afraid. I'm just keeping it real with you. Offending someone is never my intention, so if I did I apologize for it. But at the same time I'm expressing my feelings. You don't know me, so I will say this to you. Whenever I express my feelings about something, I always take into consideration of how I say it or write it. I feel like I've been keeping it real without being rude about it.
So here are the things I'm hopeful for: Equality, Love, Respect, People Taking Ownership for Their Own Actions and NOT Making EXCUSES, Safety, Happiness, Peace and Acceptance.
I hope you guys took something away from this and feel free to share your feelings!
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